A team of translators from Argentina looking to make it in the gaming industry. This dynamic duo is ready to take on any challenge! Hit us up for any EN>ES job you may need!
Joaquín is a 27 year-old translator and interpreter that just loves a good roguelike, shooter, open world or metroidvania game. He spends his free time playing team-coops, and listening to his favourite music. Just don't talk to him about Formula 1 or he won't shut up for hours. Favourite games: CS:GO; Hollow Knight; TESV: Skyrim.
Manuela is a 27 year-old translator who grew up in a family of librarians. As such, you can always find her sticking her nose between books and playing games with an incredibly long narrative and rich lore, and exhausting all the choices in story-driven games (with all the hours and numerous playthroughs that entails). Her favourite games are the Mass Effect, Dragon Age, and Fallout franchises.